
About us

About us

Management concept
Management - the driving force within the organization structure Manpower -- core competitiveness of an enterprises Informationization -- The support of enterprise development
  • Humanized management
    Humanized management
    Humanized management

    Regarding the employees as the most valuable wealth, the company provides sufficient incentives as well as various career development opportunities which attaches great importance to the win-win situation

  • Flat organization structure
    Flat organization structure
    Flat organization structure

    The company adopts a flat organizational structure to solve problems such as ineffective information flow, slow decision making and high management cost. Meanwhile, it also helps to expand the scope of work of employees and

  • Sound corporate governance structure
    Sound corporate governance structure
    Sound corporate governance structure

    The company has established a modern enterprise system which meets the development requirements of market economy and international standards. The governance structure of the company includes the Board of

Manpower -- core competitiveness of an enterprises

Since its establishment, the company has attached great importance to the cultivation of talents. Relying on the project focus and cultivation of high-level talents, the company has formed a highly educated and high-quality team. At present, the total num

  • Good training is capital appreciation
    Good training is capital appreciation
    Good training is capital appreciation

    Let the employee and the company grow together, is the company's consistent view. Company to build the monthly training system, invited senior leadership, outside experts hold various vocational skills training for the staff, and in guangzhou and zhongshan university, and people's university in Beijing, in the United States

  • The idea of equality reaches to the heart
    The idea of equality reaches to the heart
    The idea of equality reaches to the heart

    In the company, the concept of equality among all people has been deeply rooted, and all positions are open to all employees to create a relaxed and harmonious development environment for talents. A fair and open talent selection mechanism has formed a quality platform for talents only to be used.

Informationization -- The support of enterprise development

With the continuous expansion of the company scale and diversification of business, a set of information platform supporting the investment and operation management and control of the group from the perspectives of investment, operation and production is built in combination with the management and control requirements and business demands of the investment and management group to assist the business development, management improvement and strategic implementation of the group. From "systematization" to gradually realize "automation", and finally achieve the overall "intelligent" information construction goal, comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of the company.

Informationization -- The support of enterprise development
Scanning Following
